Defender Front & Rear Headliner Re-trim - How much fabric do you need ?

Charlie took on a Defender full re-trim. He decided to go for our black stretch suede.

He did the larger headliner first and went for a 300cm X 150cm piece. This went well so he decided to do the smaller headliner also. Initially he went for a 100cm X 150cm piece but this was too small so he returned to us and went for a 200cm X 150cm piece.

The width of the stretch suede is 150cm so you just need to work out the length. 

If you are taking on a Defender headliner re-trim.

Go for 300cm X 150cm for the larger one and 200cm X 150cm for the smaller one.

He also used Evo Stick adhesive which worked well for him.

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